私たちと一緒に買い物をするには、16歳以上である必要があります。サービスへのアクセス、閲覧、またはその他の使用は、本契約のすべての条件に同意することを意味します。これらの条件のいずれかの部分に同意しない場合は、サービスへのアクセスまたは使用を直ちに停止する必要があります。続行する前に、この契約を注意深くお読みください。 これらの利用規約またはプライバシーとCookieのポリシーについて質問がある場合は、 support@lanfo.com からいつでもお問い合わせいただけます。
- (1) Lanfo が提供するサービスを使用することにより、サイトやモバイルアプリケーションを含むサービスを「現状有姿」かつ「利用可能」に提供し、明示的または黙示的な保証を提供しないことを確認したことになります。前述の規定を制限することなく、Lanfo は、商品性、タイトル、正確性、完全性、エラーのないまたはエラーのないサービス、特定の目的への適合性、静けさの享受、およびお客様への損害に関するすべての主張を明示的に拒否します。すべての保証と条件およびトランザクションの使用。
- (2)当社は、以下の側面について一切の責任を負わず、(1)第三者が提供する製品、サービス、情報、プログラム、および/またはサービス、またはお客様が提供するその他のもの、または(2)責任を負わないことを明示的に宣言します。サービスの使用中に遭遇するサードパーティの品質または動作。
- (3)あなたは法律で認められている最大限の範囲に同意します。 Lanfo はいかなる責任理論についても責任を負いません。上記の規定を制限することなく、Lanfo エンティティは、法律で認められる最大限の範囲で、間接的、偶発的、突然、二次的、特別または特別な損害、利益の損失、事業の中断、または評判の損害について責任を負わないことに同意するものとします。または損害に対する責任。サービスの使用または利用不可のために、何らかの方法で生成または生成されたデータ(予測可能な場合でも)。
- (4)このサービスに不満がある場合の唯一の救済策は、このサービスの使用を停止することです。
2.1保証 当社のサービスを利用する場合、お客様は情報および詳細情報の処理に同意し、提供されるすべての情報および詳細情報が真実であり、実際の状況と一致していることを宣言します。あなたは、16歳以上であること、または親または保護者の監督下でサービスにアクセスすることを宣言および保証します。本契約の条件に従い、は、お客様のWebブラウザー、当社のWebサイト、またはモバイルデバイスを介してサービスを表示およびアクセスするための、限定的、取り消し可能、譲渡不可、および非独占的なライセンスをお客様に付与します。サービスにアクセスして使用するため。当社のアプリでは、このウェブサイトまたはアプリで販売される私物はショッピング目的でのみ購入され、が事前に明示的に許可しない限り、商業目的または第三者に代わって使用することはできません。この契約に違反した場合、通知なしにこの段落で付与されたライセンスが直ちに取り消されます。
上記の段落で許可されていない限り、サービスまたはサービスの一部をコピー、配布、表示、販売、リース、送信、翻訳、変更、リバースエンジニアリング、分解、逆コンパイル、またはその他の方法で利用することはできません。派生作品については、事前にの明示的な許可を得ない限り、本サービスで提供される情報を営利目的で利用したり、他の事業者の利益のために利用したりすることはできません。 は、その裁量により、サービスの提供を拒否したり、アカウントを終了したり、注文をキャンセルしたりする権利を留保します。これには、お客様の行動が適用法に違反したり、当社の利益を害したりすると当社が考える権利が含まれますが、これに限定されません。 以下のサービスを通じて、コンテンツ、情報、またはその他の資料をこのサービスにアップロード、配布、またはその他の方法で公開することはできません。(a)誰かの著作権、特許、商標、サービスマーク、企業秘密、またはその他の独占的権利を侵害または侵害する;(B)それは中傷的、脅迫的、中傷的、猥褻、下品、ポルノであるか、または国内法または国際法の下で民事または刑事責任を引き起こす可能性があります;(c)悪意のあるまたは技術的に有害なエラー、論理爆弾、ウイルスを含む、ワーム、トラップドア、トロイの木馬またはその他のコード、材料、または特性。 は、サービスの特定の部分にアクセスして使用できるようにするために、パスワードとアカウントIDを割り当てる場合があります。
- 違法な目的でサービスを使用する、または該当する地方、または国際的な法律または規制に違反する可能性がある。
- サービスの使用または享受を制限または禁止する行動に従事する。または、サービスを使用する当社または他の人々に損害を与えたり、責任を負わせる可能性があると判断した場合。
- ウェブサイトやアプリケーション、またはサービスへの他の介入を無効にしたり、負担をかけたり、損傷したり、害を与えたりする可能性のある方法でサービスを使用する。
- ロボットなどまたはその他の自動化された機器、プロセス、または手段を使用して、目的を問わずサービスにアクセスする。
- サービスを使用してプロモーションまたは商用コンテンツを配布するか、他のサービスを使用して他の人に商用目的での使用を誘導します。
- サービスの通常の操作を妨害するようにしてください。
3 .2色 ページに表示される製品の色をできるだけ正確に表示するように努めています。ただし、実際に表示される色はモニターによって異なるため、モニターに表示される色が正確であることを保証することはできません。 5.3パッケージング 特に指定のない限り、選択した配送方法の最小梱包基準のみを遵守します。必要なすべての特別な梱包、積み込み、またはサポートの費用はお客様が負担します。 5.4配送と配送 は、さまざまな国のさまざまな倉庫から出荷されます。複数の注文の場合、在庫に基づいて注文を複数のパッケージに分割することがあります。私たちの目標は、できるだけ早く注文を届けることです。ただし、繁忙期には到着時間が長くなる場合があります。輸送と配送についてご不明な点がございましたら、 support@lanfo.com までお問い合わせください。
このウェブサイトとアプリケーションは、テキスト、ソフトウェア、スクリプト、グラフィック、写真、サウンド、音楽、ビデオ、サービスの一部として提供されるインタラクティブ機能(総称して「コンテンツ」と呼ばれる)など、すべての情報とコンテンツを含め、常に配置されています。 またはそれを使用する許可を私たちに与えた人に与えられるべきです。当社またはライセンサーが明示的に許可した範囲内でのみコンテンツを使用できます。
の事前の書面による同意なしに、このサービスのコンテンツは参照用であり、ダウンロード、コピー、コピー、配布、送信、ブロードキャスト、表示、販売、ライセンス供与、またはその他の目的で使用することはできません。 。明示的に付与されていないコンテンツに対するすべての権利を留保します。お客様は、お客様が当社に提供するサービスに関する質問、コメント、提案、アイデア、フィードバック、またはその他の情報が非機密情報であり、の独占的財産となることを認め、同意するものとします。
6.1 Lanfo責任
- 私たちの怠慢によって引き起こされた死または人身傷害;
- 犯罪行為に関連する行為;
- いずれにせよ、当社の責任を除外、制限、または除外または制限しようとすることは違法です。
- 収益または売上の損失;
- 営業損失;
- 利益または契約の喪失;
- 推定節約額の喪失;
- データの損失;
- ビジネスまたは管理時間の損失。
We need to be 16 or older to shop with us. Access, inspection, or other use of the service means agreeing to all conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to any of these conditions, you must immediately access or use the service. Please read this Agreement carefully before continuing. If you have any questions about these terms of use or privacy and cookie policy, support@lanfo.com You can contact us anytime.
1. Disclaimer
Please carefully read this section first to limit lanfo's responsibilities.
(1) By using lanfo services, we have confirmed that we provide services with sites and mobile applications to "present status" and "available" and provide no explicit or implied warranties. Without limiting the above provisions, lanfo explicitly refuses all claims about merchandise, title, accuracy, completeness, error free or error free service, suitability for specific purposes, enjoyment of silence, and damage to customers. All warranties and conditions and transaction usage.
(2) We shall not be liable for any of the following aspects, and (I) explicitly declare that the third party provides products, services, information, programs, and / or services, or anything else that they provide, or (2) not liable. Third party quality or behavior encountered during service use.
(3) You agree to the maximum extent permitted by law. lanfo is not responsible for any responsibility theory. Without limitation of the above provisions, lanfo entities agree that they are not liable for the highest possible, indirect, contingent, sudden, secondary, special or special damages, loss of profits, disruption of business or reputation. Or liability for damage. Data generated or generated in some way (even predictable) for use or use of services.
(4) The only remedy for this service is to stop using this service.
Some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of the implied warranties or liability for certain types of damages. Thus, the above restrictions and exclusions may not be wholly or partially applied.
2. Using our services
If you use our services, we guarantee that you agree with the handling of information and detailed information, and that all information and detailed information provided is true and consistent with actual circumstances. You declare and guarantee to be over 16 years old or to access services under the supervision of parents or guardians. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, we give you a limited, unchangeable, untransferable, non exclusive license to view and access services through your web browser, our web site, or mobile device. To access and use services. In our app, private property sold on this website or app is purchased only for shopping purposes, and can not be used on behalf of a commercial purpose or a third party unless explicitly permitted in advance. If you violate this agreement, the license granted in this paragraph is immediately cancelled without notice.
2.2 Restrictions on use
Unless permitted in the paragraph above, you may not be able to copy, distribute, view, sell, lease, send, translate, modify, reverse engineering, decompose, reverse, or otherwise other parts of the service or service. As for derivative works, you will not be able to use the information provided by this service for commercial purposes or for the benefit of other entrepreneurs without prior express permission. By the discretion, it reserves the right to refuse to provide services, to terminate accounts, or to cancel orders. This includes not only the right to which we believe that our actions violate applicable laws or harm our interests. Content, information, or other materials may not be uploaded, distributed or otherwise published in this service through the following services. Violate or infringe any copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, corporate secrets, or other exclusive rights. (b) it may be fraudulent, threatening, slander, obscene, vulgar, pornography, or cause civil or criminal liability under domestic law or international law; (c) worms or technically Harmful errors, logical bombs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses or other codes, materials, or properties. May be assigned a password and an account ID to access and use specific parts of the service.
In addition, you need to agree:
It may violate the applicable local or international law or regulation for illegal purposes.
Engage in the act of restricting or prohibiting service use or enjoyment. Or, if you believe that you may damage or endorse other people using the service.
Use services in ways that can disable, burden, damage, or harm other interventions to websites, applications, or services.
Access services, such as robots or other automated equipment, processes, or means, without any purpose.
Use promotions to distribute promotions or commercial content or use other services to guide other people for commercial purposes. Prevent the usual operation of the service.
2.3 Customs
According to Customs Law, customers need to provide effective, true and accurate information. All consignee names, addresses, and payment names must be valid. In some countries / regions, the consignee must submit an ID or passport to send the luggage and confirm the payment. This is your sole responsibility for the accuracy of the provided data. If there is an error in the information, and transportation, delivery, and traffic are obstructed, we do not assume any responsibility and do not compensate. As an importer, the client is responsible for adhering to all laws and regulations of the country. See the privacy and cookie policy for more information.
3. Trading rules
3.1 Price and payment
All prices include tax rates (including value added tax) applied to the recipient / region (in the case where applicable) and are accurate when information is entered into the system. If you cannot ship any item for any reason, the amount of the item that is not routed is refunded to the wallet or the original payment method of the account.
Shipping to all prices is not included. The total cost of the order is the price added to the price of the ordered product.
The price may change at any time, but changes (except above) do not affect the order you sent the order confirmation notification.
When you select all the items you purchase, they will be added to the shopping cart. The next step is to pay the order further. You must explain or verify the information you need in each procedure in accordance with the procedure of the purchase process before the order is complete. In addition, the entire purchase process can change the order details before payment. You can use visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, PayPal, and online banking cards as payment methods.
Details of the credit card are encrypted to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. After receiving your order, ask your credit card to make sure you have enough funds to complete the transaction. Card charges are charged when your order leaves the warehouse.
Click "approve payment" to make sure your credit card is yours. Credit cards must be confirmed and approved by card issuers. If the credit card agency does not approve payment, we are not responsible for the delay or defaulting of the payment and cannot sign a contract with you.
Try to display the color of the product displayed on the color page as accurately as possible. However, the actual display color is different by the monitor, so it is not guaranteed that the color displayed on the monitor is accurate. 5.3 packaging, unless otherwise specified, comply only with the minimum packing criteria for the selected delivery method. All you need is special packing, loading, or support costs. 5.4 delivery and delivery are shipped from various repositories in different countries. Multiple orders may split the order into multiple packages based on inventory. Our goal is to deliver the order as soon as possible. However, in the busy period, the arrival time may become long. If you have any questions about shipping and shipping support@lanfo.com Please contact us.
Intellectual property and ownership
4.1 Content
This website and application are interactive features (text, software, script, graphics, photography, sound, music, video, and interactive features provided as part of the service (generally called "content"), etc All information and content are always included. Or it should be given to the person who gave us permission to use it. Content can only be used within or within the range permitted by the licenser.
4.2 Rights reserved
Without prior written consent of this service, the content of this service is for reference and may not be used for download, copy, copy, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license or otherwise. Reserves all rights to unauthorized content. You admit and agree that questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback, or other information about the services provided to our company are non-confidential and exclusive.
You agree that you do not participate in the use, copying or distribution of content, unless explicitly permitted here. You agree that you will avoid, disable or otherwise block your web site's security related functions, prevent or restrict the use or copying of content or restrict the use of Web sites or content.
1. Disclaimer
Please carefully read this section first to limit lanfo's responsibilities.
(1) By using lanfo services, we have confirmed that we provide services with sites and mobile applications to "present status" and "available" and provide no explicit or implied warranties. Without limiting the above provisions, lanfo explicitly refuses all claims about merchandise, title, accuracy, completeness, error free or error free service, suitability for specific purposes, enjoyment of silence, and damage to customers. All warranties and conditions and transaction usage.
(2) We shall not be liable for any of the following aspects, and (I) explicitly declare that the third party provides products, services, information, programs, and / or services, or anything else that they provide, or (2) not liable. Third party quality or behavior encountered during service use.
(3) You agree to the maximum extent permitted by law. lanfo is not responsible for any responsibility theory. Without limitation of the above provisions, lanfo entities agree that they are not liable for the highest possible, indirect, contingent, sudden, secondary, special or special damages, loss of profits, disruption of business or reputation. Or liability for damage. Data generated or generated in some way (even predictable) for use or use of services.
(4) The only remedy for this service is to stop using this service.
Some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of the implied warranties or liability for certain types of damages. Thus, the above restrictions and exclusions may not be wholly or partially applied.
2. Using our services
If you use our services, we guarantee that you agree with the handling of information and detailed information, and that all information and detailed information provided is true and consistent with actual circumstances. You declare and guarantee to be over 16 years old or to access services under the supervision of parents or guardians. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, we give you a limited, unchangeable, untransferable, non exclusive license to view and access services through your web browser, our web site, or mobile device. To access and use services. In our app, private property sold on this website or app is purchased only for shopping purposes, and can not be used on behalf of a commercial purpose or a third party unless explicitly permitted in advance. If you violate this agreement, the license granted in this paragraph is immediately cancelled without notice.
2.2 Restrictions on use
Unless permitted in the paragraph above, you may not be able to copy, distribute, view, sell, lease, send, translate, modify, reverse engineering, decompose, reverse, or otherwise other parts of the service or service. As for derivative works, you will not be able to use the information provided by this service for commercial purposes or for the benefit of other entrepreneurs without prior express permission. By the discretion, it reserves the right to refuse to provide services, to terminate accounts, or to cancel orders. This includes not only the right to which we believe that our actions violate applicable laws or harm our interests. Content, information, or other materials may not be uploaded, distributed or otherwise published in this service through the following services. Violate or infringe any copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, corporate secrets, or other exclusive rights. (b) it may be fraudulent, threatening, slander, obscene, vulgar, pornography, or cause civil or criminal liability under domestic law or international law; (c) worms or technically Harmful errors, logical bombs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses or other codes, materials, or properties. May be assigned a password and an account ID to access and use specific parts of the service.
In addition, you need to agree:
It may violate the applicable local or international law or regulation for illegal purposes.
Engage in the act of restricting or prohibiting service use or enjoyment. Or, if you believe that you may damage or endorse other people using the service.
Use services in ways that can disable, burden, damage, or harm other interventions to websites, applications, or services.
Access services, such as robots or other automated equipment, processes, or means, without any purpose.
Use promotions to distribute promotions or commercial content or use other services to guide other people for commercial purposes. Prevent the usual operation of the service.
2.3 Customs
According to Customs Law, customers need to provide effective, true and accurate information. All consignee names, addresses, and payment names must be valid. In some countries / regions, the consignee must submit an ID or passport to send the luggage and confirm the payment. This is your sole responsibility for the accuracy of the provided data. If there is an error in the information, and transportation, delivery, and traffic are obstructed, we do not assume any responsibility and do not compensate. As an importer, the client is responsible for adhering to all laws and regulations of the country. See the privacy and cookie policy for more information.
3. Trading rules
3.1 Price and payment
All prices include tax rates (including value added tax) applied to the recipient / region (in the case where applicable) and are accurate when information is entered into the system. If you cannot ship any item for any reason, the amount of the item that is not routed is refunded to the wallet or the original payment method of the account.
Shipping to all prices is not included. The total cost of the order is the price added to the price of the ordered product.
The price may change at any time, but changes (except above) do not affect the order you sent the order confirmation notification.
When you select all the items you purchase, they will be added to the shopping cart. The next step is to pay the order further. You must explain or verify the information you need in each procedure in accordance with the procedure of the purchase process before the order is complete. In addition, the entire purchase process can change the order details before payment. You can use visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, PayPal, and online banking cards as payment methods.
Details of the credit card are encrypted to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. After receiving your order, ask your credit card to make sure you have enough funds to complete the transaction. Card charges are charged when your order leaves the warehouse.
Click "approve payment" to make sure your credit card is yours. Credit cards must be confirmed and approved by card issuers. If the credit card agency does not approve payment, we are not responsible for the delay or defaulting of the payment and cannot sign a contract with you.
Try to display the color of the product displayed on the color page as accurately as possible. However, the actual display color is different by the monitor, so it is not guaranteed that the color displayed on the monitor is accurate. 5.3 packaging, unless otherwise specified, comply only with the minimum packing criteria for the selected delivery method. All you need is special packing, loading, or support costs. 5.4 delivery and delivery are shipped from various repositories in different countries. Multiple orders may split the order into multiple packages based on inventory. Our goal is to deliver the order as soon as possible. However, in the busy period, the arrival time may become long. If you have any questions about shipping and shipping support@lanfo.com Please contact us.
Intellectual property and ownership
4.1 Content
This website and application are interactive features (text, software, script, graphics, photography, sound, music, video, and interactive features provided as part of the service (generally called "content"), etc All information and content are always included. Or it should be given to the person who gave us permission to use it. Content can only be used within or within the range permitted by the licenser.
4.2 Rights reserved
Without prior written consent of this service, the content of this service is for reference and may not be used for download, copy, copy, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license or otherwise. Reserves all rights to unauthorized content. You admit and agree that questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback, or other information about the services provided to our company are non-confidential and exclusive.
You agree that you do not participate in the use, copying or distribution of content, unless explicitly permitted here. You agree that you will avoid, disable or otherwise block your web site's security related functions, prevent or restrict the use or copying of content or restrict the use of Web sites or content.
- These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of UK.
電話番号:+86 13123712068